Saltwater Grass Shrimp
Mysid Shrimp also called Opossum Shrimp, are the natural prey organisms of Seahorses and other aquatic animals. They hunt Mysid Shrimp in order to supply their natural dietary needs. Americamysis bahia (common name opossum shrimp, Mysid shrimp or Mysis shrimp) are a highly nutritious natural food for them.
Live caught Mysids are the heartiest and healthiest choice fulfilling the nutritional needs of rare and valuable aquarium creatures. As a dietary staple, live captured Mysids are the only way to duplicate the hunting and feeding behavior of aquatic animals.

Our Mysid Shrimp shipments are live caught to order using only Dipnets in shallow water. Our methods have created a sustainable Mysid Shrimp fishery. Each shipment includes 3000+ live mysid shrimp in plastic bags within foam insulated sturdy shipping boxes, and delivered via FedEx. Our sample quantity contains 500+ Mysid Shrimp and includes free shipping.
Overnight Delivery guaranteed.
Click here to learn how to care for you new Mysids