U.S. Mysids is proud to announce the introduction of Fiddler Crabs to our product offering that accompany our long time Americamysis bahia(Mysids) and Palaemonetes sp.(Grass Shrimp/Ghost Shrimp). This is in response to the recent Woods Hole Cephalopod Conference in 2024 held at Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory. There were many labs searching for a supplier […]
U.S. Mysids Takes Sustainable Fisheries and Recycling Seriously
U.S. Mysids is proud to announce a brand new packaging system that guarantees the recycling/reuse of shipping material. U.S. Mysids is at the forefront of Sustainable and self-policing techniques for collecting live mysids as described previously at, “Our Sustainable Mysid Fishery” In keeping with this worthy goal of Sustainability, we also take seriously being the […]
How to handle your live caught saltwater Mysid shrimp delivery.
Are you an aquarium owner looking for a sustainable way to fulfill the nutritional needs of your rare and valuable aquarium creatures? As a dietary staple, Live caught saltwater Mysid shrimp are the only way to duplicate the hunting and feeding behavior of aquatic animals. Handling a live delivery of Mysid shrimp can seem daunting, […]
Our Sustainable Mysid Fishery
Sustainability is a worthy goal most of us seek to achieve in our lives. We realize the world would be better off with sustainable use of resources. U.S. Mysids takes this very seriously and consequently developed a sustainable fisheries system in order to collect Live Mysids. The following will explain how that is accomplished using […]
Question and Answer Session with Sea Horse Hobbyists
Herb from U.S. Mysids joins us to talk about his company’s new offer of live mysids to hobbyists! U.S.Mysids has been supplying the public aquarium industry for years and will share more about the company, process and more!
MACNA AQUATIC EXPO 2022Atlanta – April 2 – 3 Herb Hickox representing U.S. Mysids at the Expo. Introducing hobbyists to the superior nutritional value of live Americamysis bahia for their aquarium critters. U.S. Mysids supplies Mysid shrimp to large aquariums from coast to coast and used this venue to introduce the benefits of feeding Mysids […]